First Look or Nah? | Advice from a Wedding Photographer

The highly debated topic in the wedding world: to first look, or not to first look? While just about everyone has an opinion on this, I wanted to throw my two cents in and give you a well informed take on the subject! Let me first say that I am on board with whatever you feel is the best fit for YOU. This information is only to help inform you so that you can ultimately pick which option will be best for the two of you! Let’s jump in.


A first look is where you two see each other for the first time privately before the ceremony and get to spend some time together before all the events begin.



Pros: First looks give you so much more alone time with your person on your big day! This is likely the only bit of down time you’ll get together before everything starts. It also allows us to knock out most of the photos early so you can party with your guests and make it to cocktail hour. Weddings with first looks also tend to be a little less stressful since we're able to knock out the majority of formal photos beforehand. Having a first look also allows you to have TWO portrait times! It has happened before where the wedding ran so behind that the ceremony ended after the sun set and we had no time for couples photos. A first look is a fail safe: You take photos before AND after the ceremony during golden hour.

Cons: The only “downside” to doing a first look is you break the tradition of not seeing each other before the ceremony. This is YOUR DAY so I’m here for whatever your heart tells you is right for the two of you. If you've been dreaming your whole life of seeing your person at the altar for the first time, then I'm all for it.

There’s more cuteness where this came from. Check them out here!

There’s more cuteness where this came from. Check them out here!

Still have questions? That’s okay! These are the most common ones:

Q: But Tida, will it take away from the emotion at the altar if we do a first look?
A: Not at all!!! Seeing your partner privately & seeing them at the altar for your ceremony are two entirely different moments and sets of feelings. If anything, I have seen many couples be even more emotional at the altar after having a first look because they were able to get their nerves out beforehand and truly allow themselves to feel alllll the feels at the altar too.

Q: Ok so I hear you and I GET all these benefits logically, but we still really don't want to do a first look. Is that ok?
A: Umm HECK YES!!!!! My job is only to inform you of what your day would look like with or without one. I am never going to force you to do something. This is YOUR wedding day and you should do what your heart tells you to do!

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